This piece is included in the Kinky Sex Tips Blogfest 2017 !!
Click here to see the links to all the other kinky bloggers who have participated, there is sure to be some great writing, great sex tips and all around sexiness.
Also – don’t miss this part, there are PRIZES. Yes, I said PRIZES. Click the link!
Women (or Givers) – are you new to pegging? This article is for you!
Definition: Pegging is when a woman straps on a dildo and penetrates a man’s ass (like in Broad City and Deadpool).
Why are so many people talking about it? Why would anyone want to do it? What’s the big deal?
Let’s start with corrections of misconceptions about this amazing sexual experience, because there are many. You might be surprised to discover the truth behind some of the fears and assumptions.
Pegging Fears and Misconceptions
- If a man enjoys anal stimulation, he must be gay.
First, think about it…A sexual act that involves a man and a woman is by definition not gay. Now let’s personalize it. If your partner has been happily fucking you and giving you oral sex for years, he is certainly not gay. (Gay men don’t eat pussy.)
Here is another way to look at it. The area of your body that you enjoy having stimulated has absolutely no bearing on the gender you prefer to do the stimulating. Read that twice if you need to.
There is an unfortunate assumption that men who enjoy anal stimulation or penetration must, by default, want sex with their own gender. Studies say only about 40% of gay men even have anal sex. And while there are indeed some men who are bisexual and enjoy sex with men as well as woman, there are also many, many men who are totally straight and love receiving ass play.
- If you fuck a man with a strap-on, it will turn him gay.
Many women have a fear that if they peg their man, he will leave them and run off in search of real cock. Here’s the deal: There is no magic switch inside a man’s ass, that when tripped by a strap-on, all of a sudden causes him to crave hairy muscular bodies. If he is bi-curious, he might be a little more curious after you peg him, but straight men don’t change their gender preference simply because of anal penetration.
If this were true, then a lesbian woman who fucks her lover with a strap-on would turn her straight, right? Ridiculous. See how the logic breaks down?
The more likely result of fucking your man with a strap-on, is that you will send him to the moon with pleasure, and deepen the intimacy that you share with him.
- Pegging is painful.
Anal penetration never has to involve pain. If it hurts, you are doing something wrong, like going too fast, or using too big of a toy, or not using enough lube (the most common mistakes).
Not only is pegging not painful, it has the capacity to bring amazing amounts of pleasure to your partner! His prostate is much like your G-spot. Combined prostate and penile stimulation often result in an orgasm that men describe as ten times more powerful than a regular orgasm!
- Pegging is…messy.
There is no getting around the reality that pegging takes place in the same area of the body that handles waste elimination, to put it delicately. To depart from delicacy, every once in a while shit happens. If the thought of a small mess freaks you out, pegging may not be for you. If the thought of that small mess doesn’t freak you out, rest assured there are tried and true methods of cleaning out before pegging that usually completely eliminate messes. The occasional messes that do occur are typically very minimal.
- Pegging is just not ‘natural’.
I encourage you to let go of your ideas regarding what is ‘natural’, and instead think about what interests you and your partner. Are you interested in giving and receiving more sexual pleasure? Then pegging would be a great thing to try.
For some people, all sex toys are not natural. For others, they would never bring whipped cream and chocolate sauce into the bedroom to add to their sexual experience. Some couples have ventured into the 50 Shades territory while others would never consider it even close to ‘natural’.
You and your partner are adults, and the cool thing about being an adult is that no matter what others might think, what you decide to consensually do in the privacy of your own bedroom is no one’s business but yours. If you try pegging and love it, you will be so glad you tried it! If you try pegging and decide you don’t like it, at least you tried it and now know it is not for you.
I’m thinking that since you are here at the Blogfest, you are curious about different sexual activities that can bring you more pleasure. (If someone told me there was a way I could have orgasms 10 times more powerful than any orgasm I have ever had, I would find it difficult to pass that up.)
- Pegging means I have to tie him up, dress him like a woman and beat him.
If you have watched pegging porn, I can see how you would assume this. While it is true that some couples who enjoy pegging also enjoy one or more of these activities, they are by no means a requirement for the experience. Pegging can simply be one more way to make sweet, intimate love with your partner.
- If I strap on a fake cock it will destroy my femininity.
There is no rule that says when you strap on a fake cock, you are no longer feminine. It’s just a sex toy! You can be as feminine or not feminine as you like while pegging.
Some women might be happy to know that there are ultra-feminine harnesses available, some of which have sexy garters attached. There are buttery soft leather harnesses in colors of Prince Purple and Nicki Minaj Pink. There are non-realistic dildos that don’t resemble a penis in the least!
There is nothing in pegging that says you must do it a certain way. You (and your partner) get to choose what feels right to you.
With the fears calmed and the misconceptions corrected, now let’s look at why couples decide they want to explore pegging…
Pegging Facts
- Pegging is pleasurable for men.
Why would men want to experience this? Because it gives them a lot of pleasure! Men have a prostate gland, which is responsible for manufacturing fluid that helps carry the sperm out of the body. Stimulation of the prostate gland is indeed quite pleasurable for most men. The prostate gland is most easily accessed through the anus.
- Prostate massage is healthy for the prostate.
Besides the pleasure aspect, pegging can be good for the prostate. Stimulation of the prostate gland, from anal play or pegging, helps keep the prostate healthy. Regular prostate massage can help avoid swollen prostate. It can also help relieve and sometimes eliminate the symptoms of swollen prostate (BPH).
- Men can orgasm from pegging.
We are not talking about just a little bit of pleasure, here. Again, most men who have experienced an orgasm resulting from a combination of prostate and penile stimulation describe it as roughly 10 times more powerful than a normal orgasm.
In addition, some men can orgasm from prostate stimulation alone, with no penile stimulation. As if that weren’t enough, prostate stimulation can offer some men multiple orgasms, which, in heterosexual couples has typically been something only women enjoy. Has your partner ever been jealous of your multiple orgasms? Try pegging and perhaps he can enjoy them, too!
- Pegging is pleasurable for women.
Women enjoy pegging for a variety of reasons. The taboo aspect can be very hot. Some enjoy the experience of switching roles and running the show; they relish the power and control. Some enjoy giving their partner remarkable levels of pleasure, making them squirm and moan. And that’s not all…
- Women can orgasm from pegging.
Harnesses and dildos offer a wide variety of clitoral stimulation and G-spot stimulation to help women attain orgasm while fucking their partner. Some women orgasm easily from pegging because the very idea of it excites them so much.
- Pegging allows you to experience sex from the opposite side of the bed.
Think about it – do you really know what your partner experiences when you have sex? You will when you try pegging! And so will your partner.
You can discover how fucking a partner requires strength, endurance, grace, balance and multi-tasking. Your partner can experience how important foreplay is, how every night is perhaps not a penetration night and the vulnerability required when allowing penetration.
One of the most amazing things about pegging (besides all the pleasure) is that you both gain more understanding and compassion for each other’s usual role in sex, which deepens the intimacy that you share.
- Pegging offers one more thing for your sexual treasure chest of choices.
Pegging involves role reversal, heightened intimacy, and the thrill of breaking taboos. Pegging can be the totally hot go-to that you enjoy on rare occasions, or the meat and potatoes of your sex life! It’s up to you.
©Ruby Ryder 2017
Pegging101.com, your source for pegging information without the kink.