What are the Basics of Rimming?
Rimming, as sexy and hot and intimate and delightfully nasty as it is…is not everyone’s cup of tea. Yet some people love the feel of teasing their tongue into their partner’s ass and feeling them squirm with pleasure. And many people love the sensation of a warm wet tongue pushing into their anus. It can be exquisite. (Can you tell I am biased, here?)
But let’s back up (subtle pun intended) and begin at the beginning for those of you not familiar with the terminology.
The Definition of Rimming
Rimming: Using your tongue and lips to stimulate your partner’s anal opening – also called analingus.
Perhaps some of you out there are going ewwww. But there are many of us who love the sensuality of loving attention in such a vulnerable place. Others are turned on by the taboo factor and perceived nastiness of it. The anal area is definitely full of sensitive nerve endings and can be just the thing to stimulate a wickedly intense orgasm. Additionally, rimming can also be lovely foreplay to pegging.
So how does one go about “rimming”? Since you have found your way to this website I assume you take pleasure in or are curious about anal penetration (either giving or receiving). Because this site is all about the glorious act of pegging, I will concentrate primarily on prostate owners as Receivers, though vagina owners love rimming, too!
Rimming can be a delicious, teasing introduction and invitation to anal penetration. Receivers who are interested in the idea of pegging but are inexperienced or apprehensive can experiment to see if anal stimulation turns their crank. (I have yet to meet a Receiver who didn’t enjoy it.) The flutter of a warm wet tongue on their sensitive, puckered opening can produce spontaneous exclamations of pleasure…occasionally a full octave higher then normal…
The optimum positions for receiving rimming are either on hands and knees or laying face down with 2-3 pillows under the hips (or if you are a connoisseur of sex furniture – a Liberator sex cushion rocks.)
The advantage of the hands and knees position is that it will part your partner’s cheeks nicely, all the better to receive your attentions. Also, you can easily reach your hand underneath them and stroke their balls and cock for a mind-blowing orgasm.
The benefit of using pillows or a cushion is that it will allow your Receiver to relax completely while your tongue and lips are tantalizing their sweet ass…and for beginners, this can be important. If the pillows or cushion are placed forward a bit, giving their equipment some room, you can pull their cock back to stimulate it if that’s comfortable for them. Many times if you start with them on pillows at a certain point your Receiver will spontaneously get up on their hands and knees just because they wants…more. More stimulation of their cock, deeper penetration of their anus with fingers, toys, or perhaps a strap-on. But I do get ahead of myself…
Massage your partner’s back and butt to relax them. Kiss the back of their neck…brush your nipples against their back. Gentle or feather-light fingers on the small of their back, butt, the insides of their thighs and their balls. Tune your partner in sensually. Then pull their legs gently far enough apart (if they are not there already) so you can settle yourself behind them and have the object of your attentions front and center. Knead and stroke their ass cheeks, kissing and licking them softly. Work your way gradually down the crack to their anus. Slowly. Rimming is something to take your time with.
The whole point here is that by the time your tongue actually touches their anus you want them to have been imagining how it would feel for the last 5-10 minutes; craving it. Even with an experienced Receiver, this is a first-rate erotic tease. If you get off on seeing your partner squirm – I highly recommend the slow approach.
The Specific Basics of Rimming
There are a variety of techniques that you can mix and match:
Reach your tongue as far as you can down to their perineum or “taint” and begin licking there, slowly working your way up to their anus.
Kiss your partner’s anus with soft lips, slowly, over and over.
Touch your soft, warm, wet tongue to their ass and just leave it there for a while, then slowly beginning to move it around.
Flutter your tongue around the edges of the sensitive puckered opening.
Lick with regular firm strokes of your tongue.
Stiffen your tongue and insert it into their anus, basically fucking them with it.
Your partner will let you know which of these they likes the best, either by moaning or gasping…or pushing back to get more of the luscious thrills you are offering. Pay attention to these signs and you will discover their favorites.
What’s Next?
For some Receivers, rimming can be intensely enjoyable for a fairly long period of time without any other stimulation. Others will crave fingers, butt plugs, dildos and/or cock and balls attention pretty quickly because rimming turns them on so much. At that point it is up to you (and perhaps the nature of your relationship) whether to indulge your partner’s urges or make them wait for it.
My personal preference? There are few things as erotically thrilling as when I have made my partner wait for it so long that when their pegging adventure commences I am treated to their voice, rough with passion, pleading, “Fuck me!”
Bathe That Butt
Okay – I did this kind of back-assward here, because obviously, asses need to be washed thoroughly before rimming. Part of the act can involve a seductive bath or shower together so you are both squeaky clean. Enemas can be part of the ritual if that is something you enjoy, so that you know you are clean inside as well.
The possibility of STD and STI transmission is a very important consideration with rimming. If you rim without a barrier, be risk aware. As with any sexual activity, know the risks and then make your own decisions.
Butt (hee hee), my dear readers, the hour grows late and I will address that issue in detail in my next post. I know…that’s like placing a gourmet meal in front of you and asking you not to eat it until I give you the fork (you are so gonna use your fingers…). I guess I am indeed an insufferable tease…!
Seriously, you can find that information pretty easily on the internet – so if you are hot to try out some things I described and can’t wait until my next post, be responsible and please educate yourself about the risks first.
Link to my article: The Risks of Rimming
Happy Rimming!
Ruby Ryder