One of the first questions I hear from Givers who are new to the concept of Pegging is, “Doesn’t it hurt?”
Now these might be Givers who have yet to explore posteriors in any serious fashion – either their own or the posterior of their partner. Yet sometimes I think that reaction is a direct result of their own ass having been at the receiving end of rushed and inexperienced fingers/cocks/toys. Especially with the vast quantities of porn available these days combined with poor sex education. People learn about sex from porn, all too often.
It may indeed be a thrill (for both parties) after indulging in extended foreplay to thrust a cock fast and deep into a slick and wet pussy. Awesome. Just don’t try that with an ass…because all but the most experienced in anal play will probably experience pain, no matter how copious the lube. Key word for anal exploration…slow. Take your time, tease that puckered little hole until you can feel your partner pushing their ass back wanting more. Until you hear them actually asking you to fuck them! You want them reaching for it, hot for it…because it feels so good.
So how exactly does one go about teasing an anus? Thought you’d never ask. Next time…”The Basics of Rimming”.
Gender binary thought for the day: Yes, a woman can fuck her man in the ass with a dildo and still be a “lady”. In fact the contradictory nature of combining the two can be seriously hot!
Madonna/Whore much?

Some prefer their dildos to look realistic. Others enjoy finding one in their favorite color. This is the “Mistress” in shimmering purple by Vixen Creations. 100% silicone. And that’s me wearing it.
Ruby Ryder